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Victorian Household Goods

Representative sample of housewares and furnitureThe furnishings and household equipment of the Victorian home depend in great part on the wealth of the family. The poor can afford little in the way of furnishings and quite often their living room also serves as a work room to conduct business. The higher up on the social scale, the more possessions.

The walls in the homes of the poor are "white washed" while the wealthier can afford to have their walls papered. Windows are covered with heavy drapes to keep heat in or heat out depending on the season. And as far as other accessory items, such as piano, paper weights, vases, etc., for the wealthy, the more bric-a-brac the merrier.

Homes are lit by oil lamps, candles or gas lighting. Electricity does not come into play until later in the period. As you can image, light one's home presents a high risk of fire.

Heating is provided by open fireplaces constructed of iron or stone. The area surrounding the fireplace is done in tile. Coal burning stoves also provide heat as well as a surface for cooking.

Floor coverings also vary according to the house being furnished and the room. Kitchens can be found to have stone flagged floors or linoleum with a small carpet in the center.

Beds are typically constructed from iron and brass, however, the wealthy can afford to have them made in solid mahogany. The bedding itself consists of fine fleece, horsehair, white goose feathers or a combination of materials, depending on the amount one has to spend.

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