flying bat
flying ghost 1(977 bytes)
flying ghost 2 (3797 bytes)

To all the lovers this Valentine's Day and always,

Love, I Love You

Love, I love you
not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I am with you.

I love you, not only for what
you have made of yourself,
but what you are making of me.

I love you for the part of me
that you bring out, I love you
for reaching out and touching my heart,
and passing over all the foolish, weak things
that you can't help simply seeing there,
and for drawing out into the light
all the beautiful belongings
that no one else had looked
quite far enough to find.

Love is entrusting our faults to one another.
Love is belonging in each other's thoughts
with care as well as feeling.

Love is beautiful. You are enhanced by my love,
I am enhanced by you,
Love, I love because of you,
and you are the reason for all of my tomorrows.
Your love makes my life complete.

by Larry S. Chengges
(Used with permission)

Chocolate Heart (27408 bytes)

Will You Be My Valentine?

Will you be my Valentine?
I know that I am yours.
You are like a tossing sea
And I am like your shores.
You and I are like an endless wave
And I your waiting sand.
And I will wait forever as
You come and smooth my hand.
I Love You Heart

heart cookie heart cookie 2

I will wait forever, yet
You are a part of me.
I hold you in my arms, while you
Come to me endlessly.

Will you be my Valentine?
I know that I am yours.
I love you with a love that yearns
To be your golden shores.

By Nicholas Gordon
(Used with permission)

I Love You With All that I Am

I love you with all I am
And all I'll ever be.
You are my moon, my sun and stars,
My earth, my sky, my sea.
My love for you goes down and down
Beneath both life and death,
So deep it must remain when I
Have drawn my last faint breath.

Holding you for months and years
Will make Time disappear,
Will make your lips my lips, your face
My face, your tears my tears;

Will make us one strange personage
All intertwined in bliss,
Not man or woman, live or dead--
Just nothing--but a kiss!

By Nicholas Gordon
(Used with permission)

chocolate heart on lace doily

The Love Meter

Enter your name and that of your partner. Then hit the submit button. Please note this is strictly for fun and we accept no responsibility for broken relationships as a result of using the Love Meter!

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Silk background in public domain. Silver, red stained glass background, candy heart background, chocolate hearts, heart cookies and silver hearts are the creation of the webmistress and are copyrighted as such.  Not for use on another site.  Song playing in background (IE users) is Amazed by Lonestar.

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